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分手100次 (DVD)
Fen shou 100 ci (videodisc)
Break up 100
鄭丹瑞 (監製、編劇、導演)
Zheng, Danrui (producer, screenwriter, film director)
Cheng, Lawrence (producer, screenwriter, film director)
香港: 洲立影視 (發行), 2014
Xianggang: Zhou li ying shi (distributor), 2014
Hong Kong: IVL (distributor), 2014
地點 Location位置編碼 Call No現況 Status到期日 Due Date條形碼 Barcode
Rockdale Library 處理中 / In-Progress
阿森(鄭伊健飾)和小嵐(周秀娜飾)相戀8年,而他們用以維繫感情的方法只得兩個字——分手。每當小嵐以分手作要脅時,阿森都會變成一條死狗去求和,令小 嵐更加得寸進尺。當他們經歷了99次分手後,二人終于認定了彼此,因而許下不能再輕易分手的承諾,更决意要一起爲未來打拼,自己當老闆,合力經營咖啡店。

細則及條款 Terms & Conditions

You can reserve items using the online catalogue. Reservations within Bayside Libraries are $2.50 per item. Reservations from Shorelink Libraries are $3.00 per item. These fees apply to adult and junior customers.

  • Customers must supply an email address in their patron details to be able to make online reservations.
  • Only adult, junior and YA materials classified as fiction, non-fiction or DVD will be supplied if not on loan, e.g. picture books, paperbacks, CDs, magazine issues will only be processed if they are on loan.
  • Items will be sent to the Library you nominate when placing the reserve.
  • Items will be held for collection for 10 days from the date of email notification.
  • The reservation fee will be charged whether or not the item is collected.
  • The charge for placing a hold at Rockdale is $2.50 per item. These fees apply to adult and junior customers.

If you have forgotten your Password/PIN or have any other questions you can get help at the library, by emailing Rockdale.Library@bayside.nsw.gov.au or phoning 9562 1821

Overdue fines: 30c per day per item payable by adult Bayside Library members and all adult members of other Shorelink Libraries.


Location of the title in Rockdale Library
