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迷局伏香 (DVD)
Mi ju fu xiang (videodisc)
Nobody nose
孔瑞良 (導演)
Kong, Ruiliang (film director)
香港: 華娛有限公司, 2021
Xianggang: Hua yu you xian gong si, 2021
Hong Kong: CN Entertainment Ltd., 2021
地點 Location位置編碼 Call No現況 Status到期日 Due Date條形碼 Barcode
Bexley North LibraryCHI DVD M在架上 / On-ShelfC1207640316
前司警梁鏡暉(林家棟),對氣味異常敏感。一宗三年前的舊案,令他的一名同袍犧牲,但兇手仍逍遙法外。當一家網絡金融公司想要在澳門建立新的金融平台時,梁景輝察覺到這家公司的高層 Simon(李東恆)與郭婉君(蔡潔)有可疑,於是他辭去保安工作,並以僱員身分混入金融公司。敏銳的梁景輝嗅到陰謀的氣息,而這場陰謀或可了結困擾其多年的案件。

細則及條款 Terms & Conditions

You can reserve items using the online catalogue. Reservations within Bayside Libraries are $2.50 per item. Reservations from Shorelink Libraries are $3.00 per item. These fees apply to adult and junior customers.

  • Customers must supply an email address in their patron details to be able to make online reservations.
  • Only adult, junior and YA materials classified as fiction, non-fiction or DVD will be supplied if not on loan, e.g. picture books, paperbacks, CDs, magazine issues will only be processed if they are on loan.
  • Items will be sent to the Library you nominate when placing the reserve.
  • Items will be held for collection for 10 days from the date of email notification.
  • The reservation fee will be charged whether or not the item is collected.
  • The charge for placing a hold at Rockdale is $2.50 per item. These fees apply to adult and junior customers.

If you have forgotten your Password/PIN or have any other questions you can get help at the library, by emailing Rockdale.Library@bayside.nsw.gov.au or phoning 9562 1821

Overdue fines: 30c per day per item payable by adult Bayside Library members and all adult members of other Shorelink Libraries.


Location of the title in Rockdale Library
