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森林特攻隊 - 大腳丫家族 (DVD)
Sen lin te gong dui - Da jiao ya jia zu (videodisc)
Bigfoot family
班·史塔森 1959- (導演)
Stassen, Ben (film director)
國語/英語 (中文繁體字幕)
Mandarin/English (Chi/Eng sub
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消失的情人節 (DVD)
Xiao shi de qing ren jie (videodisc)
My missing valentine
陳玉勳 (導演、編劇)
Chen, Yuxun (film director, screenwriter)
國語 (中文繁體英文字幕)
Mandarin (Chi/Eng subtitles)
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熱血合唱團 (DVD)
Re xue he chang tuan (videodisc)
Find your voice
關信輝 (導演、編劇)
Guan, Xinhui (film director, screenwriter)
Kwan, Adrian (film director, screenwriter)
粵語/國語 (中文繁體英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng s
4 |
聖荷西謀殺案 (DVD)
Shenghexi mou sha an (videodisc)
Fatal visit
潘源良 (導演)
Pan, Yuanliang (film director)
Poon, Calvin Yuen-Leung (film director)
粵語/國語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng s
5 |
犯罪現場 (DVD)
Fan zui xian chang (videodisc)
A witness out of the blue
馮志強 (編劇、導演、故事)
Feng, Zhiqiang (screenwriter, film director, story)
粵語/國語 (中文繁體英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng s
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催眠·裁決 (DVD)
Cu mian. Cai jue (videodisc)
Guilt by design
黎兆鈞、施栢林、劉永泰 (導演、編劇)
Li, Zhaojun ; Shi, Bailin ; Liu, Yongtai (film director, screenwriter)
粵語/國語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng s
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哪吒之魔童降世 (DVD)
Nazha zhi mo tong jiang shi (videodisc)
Ne Zha
餃子 1980- (導演、編劇)
Jiaozi (film director, screenwriter)
粵語/國語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng s
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惡搞便當反激戰 (DVD)
E gao bian dang fan ji zhan (videodisc)
Bento harassment
塚本連平 (導演、編劇)
Tsukamoto, Renpei (director, screenwriter)
日語 (中英文字幕)
Japanese (Chi/Eng subtitles)
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魔雪奇緣. 2 (DVD)
Mo xue qi yuan. 2 (videodisc)
Frozen. II
基斯·畢克 1958- (導演)
Buck, Chris (film director)
粵語/國語/英語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin/English (C
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長毛雪寶 (DVD)
Chang mao xue bao (videodisc)
吉爾·庫爾頓 1973- (導演)
Culton, Jill (film director)
粵語/國語/英語 (中文繁簡體英泰文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin/English (C
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愛登士家庭 (DVD)
Aidengshi jia ting (videodisc)
The Addams family
康拉德·弗農 1968- (導演)
Vernon, Conrad (film director)
粵/國/英/韓/泰語 (中文繁簡體英韓泰文字幕)
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巧虎大飛船歷險記 (DVD)
Qiaohu da fei chuan li xian ji (videodisc)
Qiaohu and the fantastic flying ship
國語 (中文繁體字幕)
Mandarin (Chinese subtitles,
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大啤梨歷險記 (DVD)
Da pi li li xian ji (videodisc)
The incredible story of the giant pear
阿瑪莉·奈斯比·菲克 1986- (導演)
Fick, Amalie Nasby (film director)
粵語或英語 (中文繁體英文字幕)
Cantonese/English (Chi/Eng su
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魔髮精靈 - 唱遊大世界 (DVD)
Mo fa jing ling - Chang you da shi jie (videodisc)
Trolls world tour
沃爾特·道恩 1970- (導演)
Dohrn, Walt (film director)
粵語/國語/英語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin/English (C
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1/2的魔法 (DVD)
1/2 de mo fa (videodisc)
丹·斯坎倫 1976- (導演、編劇)
Scanlon, Dan (film director, screenwriter)
粵語/國語/英語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin/English (C
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中國機長 (DVD)
Zhongguo ji zhang (videodisc)
The captain
劉偉強 (監製、導演)
Liu, Weiqiang (producer, film director)
Lau, Andrew (producer, film director)
國語或英語 (繁體中文/英文字幕)
Mandarin/English (Chi/Eng sub
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乜代宗師 (DVD)
Nie dai zong shi (videodisc)
The grand grandmaster
黃子華 1960- (編劇、導演、演員)
Huang, Zihua (screenwriter, film director, actor)
Wong, Tze-Wah Dayo (screenwriter, film director, actor)
粵語/國語 (中文繁體英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng s
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誅仙 (DVD)
Zhu xian (videodisc)
Jade dynasty
程小東 1953- (導演)
Cheng, Xiaodong (film director)
Ching, Tony (film director)
國語 (中文繁簡體英文字幕)
Mandarin (Chi/Eng subtitles)
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幻愛 (DVD)
Huan ai (videodisc)
Beyond the dream
周冠威 1979- (監製、編劇、導演)
Zhou, Guanwei (producer, screenwriter, film director)
Chow, Kiwi (producer, screenwriter, film director)
粵語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese (Chi/Eng subtitles)
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我們永不言棄 (DVD)
Wo men yong bu yan qi (videodisc)
周顯揚 1978- (監製、編劇、導演)
Zhou, Xianyang (producer, screenwriter, film director)
Chow, Roy (producer, screenwriter, film director)
國語/英語/日語 (中文繁簡體英文字幕)
Mandarin/English/Japanese (Ch
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生前約死後 (DVD)
Sheng qian yue si hou (videodisc)
Till we meet again
馬浚偉 1971- (監製、編劇、導演、演員)
Ma, Junwei (producer, screenwriter, film director, actor)
Ma, Steven (producer, screenwriter, film director, actor)
粵語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese (Chi/Eng subtitles)
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江湖無難事 (DVD)
Jiang hu wu nan shi (videodisc)
The gangs, the Oscars, and the walking dead
高炳權 1979- (編劇、導演)
Gao, Bingquan (screenwriter, film director)
Kao, Pin-Chuan (screenwriter, film director)
國語/閩南語 (中文繁簡體英文字幕)
Mandarin/Taiwanese (Chi/Eng s
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大約在冬季 (DVD)
Da yue zai dong ji (videodisc)
Somewhere winter
王維明 (導演)
Wang, Weiming (film director)
國語 (中文繁體英文字幕)
Mandarin (Chi/Eng subtitles)
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金都 (DVD)
Jin du (videodisc)
My prince Edward
黃綺琳 1987- (編劇、導演)
Huang, Qilin (screenwriter, film director)
Wong, Norris (screenwriter, film director)
粵語/國語 (中文繁體英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng s
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死因無可疑 (DVD)
Si yin wu ke yi (videodisc)
Legally declared dead
袁劍偉 (導演、編劇)
Yuan, Jianwei (film director, screenwriter)
粵語/國語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng s
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亂世出英雄 (DVD)
Luan shi chu ying xiong (videodisc)
Heroes amidst turmoil
葉永健、鄧東明 (導演)
Ye, Yongjian ; Deng, Dongming (film director)
Yip, Ken Wing-Kin ; Tang, Tony (film director)
粵語/國語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng s
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深夜食堂 (DVD)
Shen ye shi tang (videodisc)
Midnight diner
梁家輝 1958- (導演、演員)
Liang, Jiahui (film director, actor)
Leung, Tony Ka-Fai (film director, actor)
粵語/國語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng s
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麥路人 (DVD)
Mai lu ren (videodisc)
I'm livin' it
黃慶勳 (導演)
Huang, Qingxun (film director)
Wong, Danny (film director)
粵語/國語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng s
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葉問. 4 - 完結篇 (DVD)
Ye Wen. 4 - Wan jie pian (videodisc)
Ip Man. 4 - The finale
葉偉信 1963- (監製、導演)
Ye, Weixin (producer, film director)
Yip, Wilson (producer, film director)
粵語/國語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng s
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受益人 (DVD)
Shou yi ren (videodisc)
My dear liar
申奧 1986- (導演)
Shen, Ao (film director)
國語 (中文繁簡體英文字幕)
Mandarin (Chi/Eng subtitles)
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花木蘭 (DVD)
Hua Mulan (videodisc)
Caro, Niki 1967- (film director)
英語/韓語 (中文繁簡體英韓文字幕)
English/Korean (Chi/Eng/Kor s
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少年的你 (DVD)
Shao nian de ni (videodisc)
Better days
曾國祥 1979- (導演)
Zeng, Guoxiang (film director)
Tsang, Derek (film director)
國語 (中文繁體英文字幕)
Mandarin (Chi/Eng subtitles)
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奪冠 (2DVD)
Duo guan (videodisc)
陳可辛 (導演)
Chen, Kexin (film director)
Chan, Peter (film director)
國語 (中文繁體英文字幕)
Mandarin (Chi/Eng subtitles)
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別告訴她 (DVD)
Bie gao su ta (videodisc)
The farewell
王子逸 1983- (導演、編劇)
Wang, Ziyi (film director, screenwriter)
Wang, Lulu (film director, screenwriter)
國語或英語 (繁體中文/英文字幕)
Mandarin/English (Chi/Eng sub
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南方車站的聚會 (DVD)
Nan fang che zhan de ju hui (videodisc)
The Wild Goose Lake
刁亦男 (導演、編劇)
Diao, Yinan (film director, screenwriter)
國語 (中文繁體英文字幕)
Mandarin (Chi/Eng subtitles)
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台北物語. II - 獲利者 (DVD)
Taibei wu yu. II - Huo li zhe (videodisc)
Story in Taipei. II - For money
余峰銘 (導演、編劇)
Yu, Fengming (film director, screenwriter)
國語 (中文繁體字幕)
Mandarin (Chinese subtitles,
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最好的我們 (DVD)
Zui hao de wo men (videodisc)
My best summer
章笛沙 1981- (導演)
Zhang, Disha (film director)
國語 (中文簡體字幕)
Mandarin (Chinese subtitles,
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慶餘年 (第一季) (1-46集) (8 DVDs)
Qing yu nian (di yi ji) (videodisc)
Joy of life (Season 1)
孫皓 (電視導演)
Sun, Hao (television director)
國語 (中文簡體字幕)
Mandarin (Chinese subtitles,
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精英律師 (1-42集) (7 DVDs)
Jing ying lu shi (videodisc)
The best partner
劉進 (電視導演)
Liu, Jin (television director)
國語 (中文簡體字幕)
Mandarin (Chinese subtitles,
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在遠方 (1-54集) (10 DVDs)
Zai yuan fang (videodisc)
On the road
陳昆暉 (電視導演)
Chen, Kunhui (television director)
國語 (中文簡體字幕)
Mandarin (Chinese subtitles,
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光榮時代 (1-46集) (7 DVDs)
Guang rong shi dai (videodisc)
The glorious era
劉海波 (電視導演)
Liu, Haibo (television director)
國語 (中文簡體字幕)
Mandarin (Chinese subtitles,
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沉默的證人 (DVD)
Chen mo de zheng ren (videodisc)
Bodies at rest
雷尼·哈林 1959- (導演)
Harlin, Renny (film director)
粵語/國語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng s
43 |
花椒之味 (DVD)
Hua jiao zhi wei (videodisc)
麥曦茵 1984- (導演)
Mai, Xiyin (film director)
Mak, Heiward (film director)
粵語/國語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng s
44 |
潛行者 (DVD)
Qian xing zhe (videodisc)
Undercover punch and gun
呂冠南、譚廣源 (導演、編劇)
Lu, Guannan ; Tan, Guangyuan (film director, screenwriter)
粵語/國語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng s
45 |
小Q (DVD)
Xiao Q (videodisc)
Little Q
羅永昌 (導演)
Luo, Yongchang (film director)
Law, Wing Cheong (film director)
粵語/國語/英語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin/English (C
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媽閣是座城 (DVD)
Mage shi zuo cheng (videodisc)
A city called Macau
李少紅 1955- (導演)
Li, Shaohong (film director)
國語或粵語配音 (繁體中文/英文字幕)
Mandarin/Cantonese (Chi/Eng s
47 |
失蹤 (DVD)
Shi zong (videodisc)
趙羅尼 (導演、編劇)
Zhao, Luoni (film director, screenwriter)
粵語/國語 (中文繁體英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng s
48 |
雙魂 (DVD)
Shuang hun (videodisc)
Walk with me
李勇昌 (導演)
Li, Yongchang (film director)
Lee, Ryon (film director)
粵語/國語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin (Chi/Eng s
49 |
檢察狂人 (DVD)
Jian cha kuang ren (videodisc)
Killing for the prosecution
原田真人 (導演、編劇)
Harada, Masato (film director, screenwriter)
日語 (中英文字幕)
Japanese (Chi/Eng subtitles)
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緊急救命 (劇場版) (DVD)
Jin ji jiu ming (Ju chang ban) (videodisc)
Code Blue - The movie
西浦正記 (監督)
Nishiura, Masaki (film director)
日語 (中文繁簡體字幕)
Japanese (Chinese subtitles)
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救贖 (DVD)
Jiu shu (videodisc)
Miss Baek
李智媛 (導演、編劇)
Lee, Ji-won (film director, screenwriter)
韓語 (中文繁體字幕)
Korean (Chinese subtitles, Tr
52 |
皇后的品格 (1-26集) (6 DVDs)
Huang hou de pin ge (videodisc)
The last empress
朱東民 (電視導演)
Joo, Dong-min (television director)
韓語/國語 (中文繁體英文字幕)
Korean/Mandarin (Chi/Eng subt
53 |
上流寄生族 (DVD)
Shang liu ji sheng zu (videodisc)
奉俊昊 1969- (導演、編劇)
Bong, Jun-ho (film director, screenwriter)
韓語 (中文繁體英文字幕)
Korean (Chi/Eng subtitles)
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嫲煩家族. 3 走佬阿嫂 (DVD)
Ma fan jia zu. 3 Zou lao a sao (videodisc)
What a wonderful family!. 3
山田洋次 1931- (編劇、導演)
Yamada, Yoji (screenwriter, director)
日語 (中英文字幕)
Japanese (Chi/Eng subtitles)
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人魚沉睡的家 (DVD)
Ren yu chen shui de jia (videodisc)
The house where the mermaid sleeps
堤幸彥 1955- (監督)
Tsutsumi, Yukihiko (film director)
日語 (中文字幕)
Japanese (Chinese subtitles)
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反斗奇兵. 4 (DVD)
Fan dou qi bing. 4 (videodisc)
Toy Story. 4
Cooley, Josh 1979- (film director)
粵語/國語/英語 (中英文字幕)
Cantonese/Mandarin/English (C
57 |
電影多啦A夢 - 大雄之月球探測記 (DVD)
Dian ying DuolaAmeng - Daxiong zhi yue qiu tan ce ji (videodisc)
Doraemon the movie - Nobita's chronicle of the moon exploration
藤子·F·不二雄 1933-1996
Tengzi F. Bu'erxiong
Fujiko F. Fujio (Fujimoto, Hiroshi)
粵語/日語 (中文繁簡體字幕)
Cantonese/Japanese (Chinese s
58 |
PeT PeT當家. 2 (DVD)
Pet pet dang jia. 2 (videodisc)
The secret life of pets. 2
克里斯·雷納德 1966- (導演)
Renaud, Chris (film director)
粵/國/英/印尼/泰語 (中文繁簡體英印尼泰文字幕)
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小豬佩奇過大年 (DVD)
Xiao zhu Peiqi guo da nian (videodisc)
Peppa celebrates Chinese New Year
張大鵬 1984- (導演)
Zhang, Dapeng (film director)
粵語 (中文繁/簡體/英文字幕)
Cantonese (Chi/Eng subtitles)
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名偵探柯南 - 绀青之拳 (DVD)
Ming zhen tan Kenan - Gan qing zhi quan (videodisc)
Detective Conan - The fist of blue sapphire
青山剛昌 1963- (漫畫原著)
Qingshan, Gangchang (original manga)
Aoyama, Gosho
粵語/日語 (中文字幕)
Cantonese/Japanese (Chinese s
61 |
機器之血 (DVD)
Ji qi zhi xue (videodisc)
Bleeding steel
成龍 1954- (監製、演員)
Cheng Long (producer, actor)
Chan, Jackie (producer, actor)
國語 (中文繁簡體英文字幕)
Mandarin (Chi/Eng subtitles)
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我的冠軍老爸 (DVD)
Wo de guan jun lao ba (videodisc)
金大雄 (導演)
Kim, Dae-woong (film director)
韓語 (中文繁體字幕)
Korean (Chinese subtitles, Tr