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時令蔬菜高湯活用術 - 60道健康蔬食餐點輕鬆做
Shi ling shu cai gao tang huo yong shu - 60 dao jian kang shu shi can dian qing song zuo
Vegetable soup stock
樋口正樹 1973-
Tongkou, Zhengshu
Higuchi, Masaki
香港: 飲食天地出版社, 2015
Xianggang: Yin shi tian di chu ban she, 2015
Hong Kong: Food Paradise Publishing Co., 2015
地點 Location位置編碼 Call No現況 Status到期日 Due Date條形碼 Barcode
Arncliffe LibraryCHI 641.56 HIGU在架上 / On-ShelfC1207072254
你還在把切菜剩下的菜屑丟掉嗎?裡頭可是藏著滿滿的營養,還有意想不到的絕妙滋味!日本人氣料理研究家教你如何用「蔬菜高湯」,變化出各式美味料理,體驗12個月的味覺之旅!美味 X 健康 X 環保 X 簡易從今天起,開啟你的「蔬菜高湯」生活,品嚐食材的原味、料理的美味!【蔬菜高湯料理的5大優點】1.取用當季蔬菜,攝取到每個季節身體所需的營養。2.菜屑中含有豐富的植化素和礦物質。植化素具有預防老化或生活習慣病、改善體質等效果。3.利用以往捨棄不用的外皮或蒂頭等菜屑,避免浪費,善待環境。4.材料取得方便,更加經濟實惠,為你的荷包精打細算。5.各式料理皆適用!無論是湯品、麵食、燉菜、點心樣樣百搭,為每一天打造完美的健康食譜。

細則及條款 Terms & Conditions

You can reserve items using the online catalogue. Reservations within Bayside Libraries are $2.50 per item. Reservations from Shorelink Libraries are $3.00 per item. These fees apply to adult and junior customers.

  • Customers must supply an email address in their patron details to be able to make online reservations.
  • Only adult, junior and YA materials classified as fiction, non-fiction or DVD will be supplied if not on loan, e.g. picture books, paperbacks, CDs, magazine issues will only be processed if they are on loan.
  • Items will be sent to the Library you nominate when placing the reserve.
  • Items will be held for collection for 10 days from the date of email notification.
  • The reservation fee will be charged whether or not the item is collected.
  • The charge for placing a hold at Rockdale is $2.50 per item. These fees apply to adult and junior customers.

If you have forgotten your Password/PIN or have any other questions you can get help at the library, by emailing Rockdale.Library@bayside.nsw.gov.au or phoning 9562 1821

Overdue fines: 30c per day per item payable by adult Bayside Library members and all adult members of other Shorelink Libraries.


Location of the title in Rockdale Library
