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驚夢49天 (DVD)
Jing meng 49 tian (videodisc)
49 days
潘志遠 1967- (導演)
Pan, Zhiyuan (film director)
香港: 域高娛樂有限公司, 2020
Xianggang: Yu Gao yu le you xian gong si, 2020
Hong Kong: Vicol Entertainment Ltd., 2020
地點 Location位置編碼 Call No現況 Status到期日 Due Date條形碼 Barcode
Rockdale LibraryCHI DVD J在架上 / On-ShelfC1207638050
李家豪(Lewis Liu)為開發中之VR鬼屋進行測試,自此之後鬼魅夜夜纏身,左手前臂驚現七七四十九天倒數、每天清晨看到4點44分、紅衣女子騷擾....他因為情緒不穩而幾乎失去工作。李家豪找出紅衣女子的同時,畫師阿銘在他辦公室「被自殺」造成更大風波。「你是急於想起?還是寧可忘記?」這場密室殺人案件引來幹探劉奕臻(任容萱)的調查,更勾起了她不堪回首的過去。即使組長(庹宗華)不斷告誡劉奕臻盡快拋開這宗燙手山芋,但當她接手案件,就注定必須找出背後的真相⋯⋯

細則及條款 Terms & Conditions

You can reserve items using the online catalogue. Reservations within Bayside Libraries are $2.50 per item. Reservations from Shorelink Libraries are $3.00 per item. These fees apply to adult and junior customers.

  • Customers must supply an email address in their patron details to be able to make online reservations.
  • Only adult, junior and YA materials classified as fiction, non-fiction or DVD will be supplied if not on loan, e.g. picture books, paperbacks, CDs, magazine issues will only be processed if they are on loan.
  • Items will be sent to the Library you nominate when placing the reserve.
  • Items will be held for collection for 10 days from the date of email notification.
  • The reservation fee will be charged whether or not the item is collected.
  • The charge for placing a hold at Rockdale is $2.50 per item. These fees apply to adult and junior customers.

If you have forgotten your Password/PIN or have any other questions you can get help at the library, by emailing Rockdale.Library@bayside.nsw.gov.au or phoning 9562 1821

Overdue fines: 30c per day per item payable by adult Bayside Library members and all adult members of other Shorelink Libraries.


Location of the title in Rockdale Library
